Resources for Fighting Scams
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated August 23, 2013)
Finding the right resources for fighting scams can make all the difference between being able to recognize a con artist, and becoming a victim. But where can you find those resources? It may surprise you, but those resources are all around you. Here are a few of the more common places that you can go to find these resources, and how they can be a big help. One word of warning, be very wary of what advice you follow for protecting yourself from a scam or fraud since some clever frauds act like they are protecting you.
- Online. Going online can be a great resource in fighting scams and fraud. Not only are you able to do some basic research into the various kinds of scams, there are support groups for people who have been scammed in the past. There are even some websites that have been set up to fight scams, educate people about recognizing scams, and that show you how to report those that you come across. However, great care needs to be exercised when using the internet since you can very easily find yourself the victim of a scam.
- Banks. A fantastic resource that you can use to help fight scams is your local bank. Some banks, both national and local, offer advice on how you can fight scams, and even help victims report scams to the proper authorities. In addition, your bank often offers the service (usually free of charge) to alert you to any abnormal activity on your accounts.
- Credit reporting agencies. Credit reporting agencies are not just good for keeping an eye on your buying power. Credit reporting agencies allow you to see what activities have been happening on your credit, and when it was done. This information alone can be a huge help in recognizing a scam, and can be some powerful evidence against a scam artist. That being said, since you are only allowed one free report a year, you will need to pay for any additional reports that you want.
- Better Business Bureau. The local BBB can be a huge help in fighting scams. If you have any questions about the person or company that you may be dealing with, then simply contact them. They can easily tell you whether or not there are any complaints, what the nature of the complaint was, and how it was resolved.
- Law enforcement. Law enforcement (local, state, and Federal) will usually have some kind of group set up to deal with scams, frauds, and con artists. A great method to educate yourself and others, in addition to fighting any scams that you come across is these departments. At the least they can educate you about the most common scams, and what you can do when you come across one.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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