What is the Frugal Lifestyle?
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated August 23, 2013)
There is a lot of debate going on lately about how people need to save more money, and live more frugally. The question though is what is the frugal lifestyle? In large part what one person thinks is a frugal lifestyle, another will probably think is hopelessly extravagant. In reality, living frugally means that you try to use as little money as possible. But how do you do it? Well, if you are interested in learning a few tricks that you can use to live a little more frugally, then simply follow the guidelines listed below.
- Don't be afraid of coupons. Many people look at coupons with a mix of dread and confusion. The dread because coupons have traditionally been viewed as the purview of the retired, and confusion because not many people know how to make couponing work. That being said, if you simply take the time to look at the coupons that come in you newspaper, then you will always have an idea of what deals are currently available, and when you should take advantage of them.
- Eat in, not out. Purchasing prepared food, such as what you get at restaurants are typically much more expensive than what you can purchase yourself at the grocery store and make at home. As such, if you are really looking to save as much money as possible and live a frugal life style, then you need to start making and eating your own meals.
- Libraries are great places to go. Everyone knows that libraries are great places to go for books, but what many people may not realize is that they are also good for other forms of entertainment as well. For example, you can now borrow things like DVDs, VHS tapes, CDs, books on tape, and other items as well. Best of all, as long as you return everything on time it is absolutely free.
- Cluster your errands. Considering the cost of gas today, it only makes sense to spend as little time driving around as possible. This means that when you find yourself needing to go out and run some errands, you need to do as many of them at the same time as possible, in as organized a manner as possible. This will help prevent you from wasting any gas from having to crisscross town as you get things done.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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