Water is one of those bills that you will always need to pay and sometimes the price is hefty. There is good news however! There are ways you can be proactive and take steps to reduce your water bill and use that saved money for other things. You can make your wallet stretch a bit more and be environmental at the same time!
When you pay your water bill you're actually paying for a few different services: the water supply, the amount of water you use, and the surface water drainage (the water that drains down into the sewer—it's a disposal kind of system). Really the only one you can control (besides seeking a qualified rebate for the water drainage) is the amount of water you actually use. If you can keep tabs on what you use you can better figure out how to cut down and how to slice off dollars from your monthly bill. One way to keep track really of how much you use is to get a water meter. This will allow you to monitor exactly what you use.
There are a myriad of ways you can cut down your water bill, all of which are easy and quick.
All of these are ways that will help reduce your bill (and also keep you on good terms with the environmentalists!)
Reducing your water bill isn't hard, it just requires awareness and a proactive attitude. If you can stay conscientious of what you're using and how you're using it you'll be in good shape for reducing your bill and saving money.
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